Friday, December 10, 2010

Damn Proud

Today marks the 10 year anniversary of the ReChartering of the Beta Epsilon Chapter of Phi Sigma Kappa. I was a founder of the chapter and it tears at my heart that I can't make it back to celebrate with the guys.

I know many people think fraternities are nothing more than Toga Parties and Drinking. And while that is part of the life, there is much more that goes on. I have lifelong friends that I have made from the fraternity. I have got to experience many things in life that I wouldn't have been exposed to if it wasn't for the house. I would not be the man I am today if it wasn't for Phi Sigma Kappa and the brothers of Beta Epsilon.

I could write for hours about the community service events, fundraisers, conventions, road trips, and other debauchery that I experienced in college, but it's getting late, and telling the stories will only make me that much more depressed that I am not back in Pittsburg KS this weekend.

I will end this post by wishing my brothers a great weekend, keep doing what you're doing, and always be DAMN PROUD!!!

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