Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Break Up Letter


I have known you for a good 12 years now, and I can honestly say you have been a fairly large part of my life. I can still remember when we were first introduced. I have to admit I was not much of a fan at first, but our relationship did slowly blossom into the torrid affair we currently have.

You have helped me through some very trying times: deaths, firings, break-ups, moves; and you've done it all without asking much from me in return. Don't get me wrong we have had our share of rough times. Together we've caused more than our share of trouble. Yet, somehow we've managed to get along this far.

While you and I have seen other people, we have always found our way back to each other. It seemed like we were somehow meant to be together, you would always welcome me back.

However, the times they are a changing; and I have finally realized that I may be better without you in my life. I am not saying this is it, we will probably meet on occasion, and I may visit a few other members of your family once and a while (after all I have known some of the longer and we're all really good friends as well).

I know this letter is short, and our time together probably deserves more thought and reflection, but for the time being, consider us on a break.

It's been fun but I'm moving on.

I'll miss you beer.



Anonymous said...

best. letter ever.

thebucket said...

Great letter, I wish you the best of luck and determination as you seek to regulate your relationship with beer. I've enjoyed your Twitter posts for some time now (I'm 'neonberry' there), and look forward to reading more there (and here, as I have just discovered your blog) in the future.